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TISDIC 2023 – Nearly 300 Delegates Participate in the 4th International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure and Sustainable Development from 26th to 27th August 2023

On the morning of  26th August, 2023, at the Da Nang Administrative Center (Address: No. 24 Tran Phu Street, Hai Chau District, Danang City, Vietnam), the 4th International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure and Sustainable Development- TISDIC 2023, took place.

A large number of domestic and international scientists attended the conference

This conference series was initiated by the Faculty of Road and Briege Engineering in 2013 and has been organized three times in 2013, 2016, and 2019. The 4th  conference, on a much larger scale, was co-organized by the University of Danang – University of Science and Technology and the Vietnam Federation of Civil Engineering Associations and supported by the Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology (India), the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), and the Danang Department of Transport.

Delegates at the check-in area

The conference was honored to welcome the participation of Dr. Le Quang Nam – Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Danang City, Dr. Dang Viet Dung – President of the Vietnam Federation of Civil Engineering Association, Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Hong Hai – Vice Rector of University of Science and Technology – The University of Danang  (General Chair), Prof. Rafat Siddique – Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, India (Co-Chair), Assoc.Prof. Phan Cao Tho – Rector of University of Technology and Education – The University of Danang.

Nearly 300 delegates and distinguished guests attending the opening ceremony and plenary sessions

The conference attracted nearly 300 delegates including scientists, experts, and leading businesses in the construction and transportation sector, with more than 130 speakers from 17 countries. Among them, 08 keynote speakers were world-renowned professors in the field of construction, along with 10 invited speakers. The conference also had the participation of 20 sponsors, including 03 Diamond sponsors: Sika Limited Vietnam, Vingroup Innovation Foundation (VinIF), and Khoi Phat Loc Co., Ltd.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hong Hai – Vice Rector of the University delivers the opening speech

During the conference, Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Hong Hai – Vice Rector of the University, warmly welcomed the delegates and expressed hope that TISDIC 2023 would serve as a bridge for researchers, scientists, and businesses to collaborate and address challenges related to sustainable transport infrastructure development in the future. He emphasized the importance of organizing conferences and called for international collaboration in scientific research.

Dr. Dang Viet Dung, President of the Vietnam Federation of Civil Engineering Association gives the welcome speech

Representing the Vietnam Federation of Civil Engineering Association, Dr. Dang Viet Dung, the President, stated that this TISDIC conference became a platform for exchange among scientists, businesses in the construction sector, and management entities. The focus was on applying digital technology in green and sustainable development for transportation infrastructure in the context of increasingly extreme climate change.

The conference attracted many international scientists from 17 countries

On a large scale, the conference received 211 abstracts and 142 full-length papers from authors in 17 countries. The conference proceedings were published in the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, indexed in WoS. For two days, the conference held 04 plenary sessions and 20 parallel sessions, focusing on in-depth topics in various fields: advanced structural engineering and bridge construction, urban road and transportation engineering, AI, IoT, and automation in transportation, new construction materials and structures for sustainable development, geotechnics and environmental geotechnics.

In recognition of 20 sponsors

The 4th  TISDIC conference affirmed its international reputation, being highly regarded by colleagues for professionalism. It truly became a forum for exchange among scientists, businesses in the construction sector, and management entities, all working towards applying digital technology in green and sustainable development for transportation infrastructure in the context of increasingly extreme climate change.

4 plenary sessions of keynote speakers and 20 parallel sessions with in-depth discussions

Furthermore, in this conference, alongside presentations by scientists, a scientific and technological forum on “Application Results of Modern Technology in Construction Activities in Vietnam” was organized for the first time. In this forum, business representatives shared about modern construction technologies such as reducing the impact of CO2 emissions from cement, helmet-type steel sheet piles and their applications in construction projects, the SCAN TO BIM solution in infrastructure construction, and the ADSCivil software solution for infrastructure design, among others.

Conference Program: https://tisdic2023.dut.udn.vn/program-book

Conference Proceedings: https://iopscience.iop.org/issue/1757-899X/1289/1

Group photo