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Full Scholarship Study of Infrastructure Management in Master at Yokohama National University, JAPAN in Infrastructure Management Program

Full Scholarship Study of Infrastructure Management in Master at Yokohama National University, JAPAN =Infrastructure Management Program= We are pleased to inform you that we have started the application for the full scholarship program of Infrastructure Management in Master. The application for October 2023 admission should be submitted...

Announcement of application for a scholarship for disadvantaged students with good academic performance and active participation in extracurricular activities for the academic year 2022-2023

To provide a basis and support information for students with difficult family circumstances, the Faculty of Bridge and Road Engineering is implementing the following information collection for students: Purpose: to consider scholarships for academic encouragement and financial or material support for students with difficult circumstances. Registration...

Announcement of Dufago Concrete Scholarship for final-year students of the Construction Material Engineering Technology program

The Faculty of Bridge and Road Engineering announces the annual scholarship program of Dufago Concrete Company (https://dufago.com.vn) for senior students majoring in Construction Materials Engineering. Details are as follows: Eligibility: Senior students majoring in Construction Materials Engineering; Number of scholarships: 3 scholarships, each worth 5 million VND; Application...

Master’s and Doctoral Programs at Kansai University (Japan) academic year 2022

The Department of Science, Technology and International Cooperation would like to announce to the units about the Master and Doctoral Programs at Kansai University (Japan) for the academic year 2022. Applications for this academic year 2022 are exclusively for Kansai University partner universities. Application deadline for...

Global Korea scholarship 2018 for ASEAN countries

Department of Research and International Cooperation announces the scholarship program: Global Korea Scholarship 2018 for Science and Engineering students from ASEAN countries hosted at Keimyung University (Korea) (Keimyung University’s Program 2018 GKS for ASEAN countries’ Science and Engineering Students). The purpose of this overseas fieldwork...

Full scholarship study in Civil Engineering at Yokohama University 2018

The department of civil engineering has initiated the concept of a special graduate program targeting foreign student who is not able to take courses in Japanese. The special graduate program is specially designed as Doctoral and Master graduate program for foreign student in which the Department...