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HomeNews & EventsStudents of Road and Bridge Faculty participate in International Capstone Design Program...

Students of Road and Bridge Faculty participate in International Capstone Design Program (ICDP) in Korea

International Capstone Design Program (ICDP) was designed for Korean students and international students who come from different fields of study. The course mainly included core elements for decision making, idea creation and a design project to tackle problems in the community. The course took place at Myongji University, Korea. The class was offered in English lasting three weeks in the summer and winter of break season.

The design program is a great opportunity for Vietnamese students to work with international students coming from Korea, China, and India. They can practice English and learn practical soft-skills that will be valuable for their future careers.

This year is the first time with the participation of Vietnamese students. Four students of Road and Bride Faculty of Danang University: Nguyen Van Tien 14X3B, Vo Dinh Quang Nhat 14X3C, Le Thanh Quang 14X3C, Nguyen Phuoc Duy 14X3C were selected to experience this program. All of them are currently members of the Civil Engineering Research and Training Group (CERT) under the guidance of Ph.D. Do Viet Hai, Ph.D. Nguyen Phuoc Quy Duy, and Ph.D. Hoang Phuong Tung.

The class started at 9:30 am to 11:30 am from Monday to Friday. The afternoon was the time for team working. Students had to carry out two big projects for three weeks.
In the first week, students performed the “Ice-break” activity and the first big project “UCC (User Created Content)”. In terms of “Ice-break”, students would introduce each other and have a discussion with their team members. UCC is an introduction video conducted by all members of the team.

During the last two weeks, students participated in a team discussion to raise ideas about the final projects. We would do “brainstorming” activity to create, choose the best ideas and then we planed a final project. The product must solve all problems and benefit to the local community. Finally, students would give a presentation about their product to other teams, then we finished the class and got a certificate from Prof. Kim Young Uk- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Director.

Some pictures of final project preparation: