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HomeNews & EventsFull scholarship study in Civil Engineering at Yokohama University 2018

Full scholarship study in Civil Engineering at Yokohama University 2018

The department of civil engineering has initiated the concept of a special graduate program targeting foreign student who is not able to take courses in Japanese. The special graduate program is specially designed as Doctoral and Master graduate program for foreign student in which the Department of Civil Engineering, Yokohama National University offers courses in English. Full-time attendance for three years starting from the winter term (beginning from October) is necessary for a doctor’s course, and two years for a master’s course. Courses are offered in English and all dissertation works including adviser’s guidance, progress report, writing, and presentation are done in English.

The major fields of study are:

  • Structural Engineering
  • Estuarine and Coastal Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Transportation and Urban Engineering
  • Concrete Engineering

For more detail about the program, please follow the link: http://www.cvg.ynu.ac.jp/G0/english/admission-e.htm