Undergraduate Program in Construction Materials Engineering and Technology


  1. Name of training program: Construction Materials Engineering and Technology
  2. Degree and program code: Bachelor, 7510105
  3. Admission candidates: Candidates graduate from high school and meet the entry quality assurance threshold as prescribed by the University of Science and Technology in each enrollment year
  4. Program period and type: 4 years, Full time
  5. Required credits: 130 credits
  6. Working position of graduate students: Students graduating with an undergraduate degree (Bachelor) in Construction Materials Engineering and Technology are suitable for the following job positions:
    • Laboratory specialized in construction.
    • KCS building materials factory.
    • Consulting, supervision, management, quality control of materials, construction of materials for projects, and construction works.
    • Technical and managerial staff in construction material production units.
    • Consulting and design of construction materials production technology.
  7. Possibility for further education: Graduates of this program can continue with an intensive training program to receive an Engineering degree or a master’s degree program in the same or similar fields.


  1. General objectives

The overall objective of the Construction Materials Engineering and Technology training program, at The University of Danang – University of Science and Technology is to train learners with political, ethical, knowledge, health, and ability. lifelong learning ability; have the ability to be creative; have professional practice skills, research capacity, and ability to effectively apply professional knowledge and advances in science and technology in Construction Materials Engineering and Technology; has professional responsibility and sense of service to the community, meeting development requirements in the field of Construction Materials Engineering and Technology, serving the needs of socio-economic development, ensuring national defense and security and international integration.

  • Specific objectives

University of Technology – University of Danang trains graduates of the undergraduate training program in Construction Materials Engineering and Technology – CMET:

  • Have comprehensive professional knowledge; grasp the principles and laws of nature and society
  • Having basic practical skills in Construction Materials Engineering and Technology – CMET.
  • Ability to work independently and creatively; capable of teamwork; ability to solve technological and technical problems in the field of Construction Materials Engineering and Technology – CMET.


Graduates of the undergraduate training program in Construction Materials Engineering and Technology at The University of Danang – University of Science and Technology meet the requirements of learning outcome level 6 according to the Vietnam National Qualifications Framework:

  • Ability to apply knowledge of Mathematics, basic science, technology, and engineering in analysis, design, construction, evaluation, and research problems in the field of Construction Materials Engineering and Technology.
  • Having skills in practice, experiment, analysis, and basic data processing in Construction Materials Engineering and Technology.
  • Having critical thinking, creative thinking, entrepreneurial thinking, and professional behavior
  • Have ethics and professional responsibility.
  • Capable of teamwork; have effective communication skills.
  • Having skills in using foreign languages in professional fields; having foreign language proficiency TOEIC 450 or equivalent.
  • Having skills in using basic Information Technology as prescribed in Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT and being able to use calculation tools in the field of building materials.
  • Ability to form ideas for design, construction, planning, and participation in management and administration in a building material production unit or construction project in accordance with business, social and environmental contexts.
Curriculum Roadmap(Bachelor program)

IV. Program specification

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V. Module handbook (full version)

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VI. Regulations on evaluation of academic performance

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