Vision & Mission

Vision, Mission and Strategy 2015 – 2020 of DUT


University of Science and Technology – The University of Danang (DUT) will become a leading university in Southeast Asia.


DUT is a research university educating qualified graduates, providing excellent science and technology resources to serve the sustainable socio-economic development of Vietnam, especially the Central area and Highlands.

Strategy 2015 – 2020

DUT will become a Research Orientation University in 2020; provide scientific-technological human resources with high professional level, thinking, wisdom and dedication.

Vision and Mission of FRBE


The Faculty of Road and Bridge Engineering (FRBE) will become the leading and competitive faculty in research and training of the Transportation Construction Engineering in the Central area, the Highlands and Vietnam.


FRBE is the training center which provides the qualified human resource in Transportation Construction Engineering and Construction Material Engineering. The Faculty provides scientific and technical solutions to serve the socio-economic development of the Danang city, the Central area, the Highlands, and Vietnam.